e-Primbon eko

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Giving instruction is an expression that is used in order that other person does what we instruct or request.
*giving instruction adalah suatu cara untuk menyuruh atau menginstruksikan seseorang*
N> jangan suka nyuruh2 orang yaa, nggak baik, heheheee
When the commanding word is a verb you use the infinitive without to.

Examples :
Ø  Write the sentences!
Ø  Take the medicine three times a day!
Ø  Cover the food!
Ø  Wash the bas sheet!
Ø  Sweep the floor.
If you do not use a verd as a commanding word, you use  
be + adjective.
Examples :
Ø  Be Slow. *santai aja lahhh!*
Ø  Be happy. *asyikin ajee*
Ø  Be yourself. *jadi diri sendiri donk!*
When you forbid some one to do something you use  
don’t + verb infinitive without to.
Examples :
Ø  Don’t Cry!
Ø  Don’t close the door!
Ø  Don’t spit here!
Note++ *tambahan*
Ø  The sentences used in giving instruction is SIMPLE PRESENT
Ø  Giving instruction is relevance with procedure text. *selalu dipakai di teks prosedur*
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ini foto di jepret pada waktu 17 agustus-an pertama di SMADA kelas X-5 sewaktu ada lomba, liatin aja mukanya masi polos" liatin aja tuh ekspresinya hahahaha...

Hmmm,,,karena di foto ini semua pada nunjukkin ekspresi yang menggembirakan, yuuk kita pelajari bersama about "HAPPINESS EXPRESSIONS"

Definition of Happiness Expressions :
Happiness Expressions is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited feelings. 

Example of Expressing Happiness :
- I'm really happy
- I'm happy to hear that
- Fantastic !
- Great !
- It gives me great pleasure
- I'm very pleased / delighted about it

We can happiness ekspressions of by :
- Word
- Gestures

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Appointment, apa sih itu?
Ada yang bilang appointment itu adalah sebuah perjanjian? Bener gak sih? Yuk mari kita selidiki .. :D

Appointment is to tell us or someone that you will definitely do something.

Making Appointment

-Can I see you at 11 A.M.?
-Will it be convenient if I come at 3 P.M.?
-I’d like you to help me decorate my new kitchen.Would tomorrow be possible?

Approving Appointment
-Sure. That will be fine.
-Great, it’s a perfect time.
-All right, see you there.

Canceling Appointment
-I’m sorry, but I can’t do it.
-I’m afraid not.

Example of appointment:
-I'd like to make an appointment with ...
-I want to make an appointment to see ..
-Can I come and see you?

Nah, itu lah yang dinamakan appointment. Kalau dalam kamus Bahasa Indonesia adalah sebuah perjanjian dimana seseorang ingin bertemu dengan orang lain dalam suatu pertemuan. Sebelum ketemu kan memang harus bikin janji dulu dimana tempat dan waktunya.
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Appointment, apa sih itu?
Ada yang bilang appointment itu adalah sebuah perjanjian? Bener gak sih? Yuk mari kita selidiki .. :D

Appointment is to tell us or someone that you will definitely do something.

Making Appointment

-Can I see you at 11 A.M.?
-Will it be convenient if I come at 3 P.M.?
-I’d like you to help me decorate my new kitchen.Would tomorrow be possible?

Approving Appointment
-Sure. That will be fine.
-Great, it’s a perfect time.
-All right, see you there.

Canceling Appointment
-I’m sorry, but I can’t do it.
-I’m afraid not.

Example of appointment:
-I'd like to make an appointment with ...
-I want to make an appointment to see ..
-Can I come and see you?

Nah, itu lah yang dinamakan appointment. Kalau dalam kamus Bahasa Indonesia adalah sebuah perjanjian dimana seseorang ingin bertemu dengan orang lain dalam suatu pertemuan. Sebelum ketemu kan memang harus bikin janji dulu dimana tempat dan waktunya.
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